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Hannah Wilde

I am so glad you’re here! I love helping 3rd-5th grade teachers by providing ideas, engaging resources, and professional development they need. I am a literacy coach who is here to help lessen the workload for teachers while making them more confident! I want students to be continually engaged in a rigorous environment!


  1. Hi Hannah,
    I teach a split 4/5, with a huge variation in the academic levels of students.A few are working at grade 2, while some are working at grade 6.Could you recommend 4 to 5 novels for literacy circles that will accommodate all my learners?

    1. Yes!!

      Grade 2 reading level: Cam Jansen is great, Magic Tree House, Charlottes Web.
      Grade 6 reading level: Holes
      On level: Lemonade War

      If you wanted them all to read the same one, I think Lemonade War would be a great choice!

  2. Hi Hannah! This is my first time doing a book study with my 3rd grade ESL class. This was very helpful to me, it will help me get started. We are doing our study on “The Titanic”. I can’t wait to see how my class evolves.

    Ms. Newport
    3rd Grade ESL
    Andrews Elementary
    Austin, Texas

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