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Hannah Wilde

I am so glad you’re here! I love helping 3rd-5th grade teachers by providing ideas, engaging resources, and professional development they need. I am a literacy coach who is here to help lessen the workload for teachers while making them more confident! I want students to be continually engaged in a rigorous environment!


  1. Your site had so many helpful tips. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and resources!
    I watched your video on Reading Centres and really enjoyed it – super helpful – great ideas! I have done daily 5 with grade 1/2 students. I am very interested in doing reading centres in my grade 3/4 class this year. Have you done these centres with grade 4 students?
    I watched the video and my favourite centre would be the teacher time/guided reading. It is my favourite for so many reasons. I like this small group time because it allows me to hear students read, and I can give them the help and support they may need to become better, stronger readers. It allows me to help them build on their strengths and move their learning forward.
    Most of all, it lets me see the growth they make , which is a real treat!
    Thanks again!

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